Monday, October 31, 2011

This is Halloween!

This year P.J. started out wanting to be a pterodactyl, so we looked, looked and looked some more for a costume with no luck. I picked up my bootstraps and told myself that I could make it, luckily before I started the process I showed P.J. a picture of what it would look like and he looked at it, looked at me, and said "that looks stupid."
He ended up changing his mind to a paleontologist, a much easier costume to come up with. He really rolled with it and played the part, as you can see in his cheesy pictures. (I did not pose him, it was all his idea.)

Little Dragon Will, in this picture he is saying his favorite phrase, "This is Halloween!"
Stay tuned for some comparison pictures, all three boys have been this same thing.

I swear I put these pictures in a certain order and then blogger messes them all up, so just pretend that all of them go in some sort of order.

Triceratops Henry showing off his horns.

What a cute little cheese ball, you never would have known that just moments before this picture was taken he was throwing a full blown fit. It started because he said he wanted to be a cowboy instead of a dinosaur ad ended with the tag needing to be cut out of his costume. You just never know what is going to trigger a tantrum.

This year was the year of the pumpkin. As you can see from the picture below we have quite a few, too say the least.

We got a lot of pumpkins when we went to the patch with Nana, then the 2 older boys each brought one home from the schools pumpkin patch. Then when we went to the schools festival we won two more in the pumpkin walk.
Can anyone say pumpkin pie?

We will end this post with Williams second favorite thing to say as of late

Happy Halloween!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Pumpking Patch

Nana came to visit and we decided to try out this supposed awesome pumpkin festival in Half Moon Bay. After we were stuck in traffic, went to lunch at Popeye's (not recommended), and looking at all the people at the festival we decided the kids would have more if we just drove back up the street to a pumpkin patch with some bounce houses, a hay maze and some fabulous pumpkins.

P.J. decided he would push the wheel barrel, he thought he was real cool.

All the boys went on this SUPER SLIDE, not all of them liked it very much.
P.J. loved it and went on it about 5 times....

Henry was less than thrilled and refused to try it again. In fact in this picture he is telling Nana that he didn't like it and would not be going again. Although William doesn't look very happy in this picture he LOVED it. If he could he would have gone all day long.

All of these pumpkins were $5 or less, so we went a little crazy.
P.J. pointing at all of his picks.

Will in the bounce house.

Nana had to push the wheel barrel after we put the pumpkins in, the boys tried and tipped it over.

On our way out William found this little one and was so excited that I told him he could grab it. Just look at that face.

Waiting with Nana to buy the Pumpkins.

Henry on the hay maze, yes that's right, on the hay maze. He enjoyed jumping from one bale to the next.

Even though we didn't make it to the "real festival" everyone had a great time.

Swimming at the Gangwers

Thanks to our good friends the Gangwer's moving close to us this summer, we were able to go swimming at their pool quite a bit. These kids loved the pool.

First Day of School

Everyone was excited about the first day of school including Will. He had to get dressed with his new shoes on, hair done and a snack in his lunch box. Little did he know that he wasn't going to be able to stay. When he found out that he had to go home with me he was very upset. About 3 days after school started he decided that being home with Mom is pretty cool.

Henry going off to Kindergarten!

P.J. off to 2nd grade!!!

They are both loving school this year, good teachers, good friends, good fun.

Riding New Bikes

P.J. got a new bike this summer, therefore Henry got P.J.'s old bike.
Henry was so excited to be on this big boy bike. He can now ride it without training wheels, he's getting too big.

Speaking of too big, P.J. loves his new 21 speed bike. He loves that he can change gears to go through grass, rocks or up hills. Isn't funny the things that Moms get sad over? My two big boys are getting too big.