Saturday, October 25, 2008

Alone time with Mom!

Yesterday afternoon P.J went golfing with Daddy and some of the guys so, Henry and I had some alone time. Our friend Melanie called and told us about this Halloween party hosted by the Concord Moms Group so we thought we would check it out.
Henry loved being the only child, even if it was just for and hour. He loved that I had all my attention on him and pushing him in this swing.

Cute Gretta and Henry walking around holding hands. This little girl just loves my boys and all the craziness that comes with them, so it is always a good time when we get together.

On our way home I asked Henry if he had fun at the party and his response was, "Not yours party, not P.J.'s party, my party." We will have to start doing some special one on one time with each of the boys, especially before this baby comes.


Melanie said...

Ohh, that is the cutest thing ever about it being his very own party! I love that little Hen Hen --- or should I say, "A big scary DRAGON!" I'm glad your boys love to be crazy with Miss G, she always has so much fun.